Criminal Law: Grand Jury Vs. Petit Jury

There are two types of jurors that occur in a criminal offense: the grand jury and the grand jury. The grand jury is the choice of the judge who will judge the suspect or not, while asking the jury to decide the defendant guilty or innocent in a public trial.

There are discrepancies between the grand jury and the plaintiff’s jury.

Grand Jury vs. The jury asks: Purpose

A grand jury is a group of jurors who hear testimony from the prosecution’s witnesses as well as the prosecution’s charges. Grand juries are mainly run by the prosecutor, and although the suspect has the right to speak to the grand jury, he can only be examined by the prosecutor, and the defense attorney has no role.

A juror is a group of jurors who hear testimony from both sides in criminal proceedings. It is the request of the judge to either convict or acquit the accused criminal.

Grand Jury vs. Jury requests: Size

Most grand juries contain between sixteen and twenty-three jurors, while a grand jury consists of six to twelve jurors. But the greatness of the difference pertains chiefly to the purpose; A grand jury must indict a suspect, while a grand jury must convict or acquit. Most experts believe that if there was a greater demand for judges, more rights would be suspended in criminal trials.

Grand Jury vs. Requests the jury: Attendance

The grand jury is closed to the public, while the jury trial is open to the public. Judges hold very large hearings, consisting only of witnesses, jurors, and the plaintiff, and the judge may attend as many as the room of the court can hold.

Grand Jury vs. Jury requests: Jury duty

Most juries consist of jurors who are selected to participate in a single trial, which often lasts less than ten days. Even a high-profile case lasts a few months at most and then the jurors have completed their service. And the grand jury consists of judges who serve for the time of the court, which can be up to eighteen months.

Grand Jury vs. The jury asks: Agreement

In a trial by jury, the jurors must be unanimous in their decision to convict or acquit. If the jury is one way or the other, the judge will either declare a hung jury or a mistrial, and again, if the people will, the prosecution can try the case. But grand juries must not be unanimous. The exact number of jurors varies from state-to-state, but in federal grand juries, the prosecution needs only twelve jurors to recommend an indictment.


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